RICS Home Survey Level 2 FAQ
The RICS Home Survey Level 2 is easily mistaken with other building surveys such as the conditions report. We have put together some of the most commonly asked questions regarding this specific report to hopefully answer some of your own.
Q: What is the difference between RICS Home Survey Level 2 and RICS Survey Level 3 ?
Simiar to RICS Survey Level 3 , RICS Home Survey Level 2 is carried out by a RICS chartered surveyor after an offer has been accepted by the seller. This is the responsibility of the buyer and the report identifies the condition and any defects in the structure of the building. It takes less time to complete than the building survey and typically costs less- not all parts of the building is inspected and thus recommended for newer properties.
Q: Do I need a RICS Home Survey Level 2?
While it's not a strict legal requirement, it's recommended that buyers commission a home buyer's survey prior to the final commitment. The survey provides an impartial condition report on the any structural issues and defects in the property and indicates the cost of remedy. This can be used to re-negotiate the price with the seller and the estate agents.
It's found that on average, home buyers which do not commission a survey end up paying more for property repair and maintenance- in some cases, up to £10,000 more.
Q: What's inspected in a RICS Home Survey Level 2?
The overall structure of the house is inspected- including the walls, roof and other strutural elements. The survey follows the RICS guidelines and is presented in a "traffic light" system, indicating the condition of each individual element.
It's worth noting that the survey simply covers what the surveyor can see- services such as plumbing and heating will not be included, as with drainage and underfloor. For more information, please see our page on RICS Home Survey Level 2.
Q: How long does a RICS Home Survey Level 2 take?
This exact length of the survey will depend on the age, size and condition of the property. As a general reference, a RICS Home Survey Level 2 for a 50 years old, three bedroom property may be between 3-5 hours. The larger and older the property, the longer the survey typically take. This is because the surveyor will need to inspect any defects found in order to recommend a remedy. We can undertake RICS Home Survey Level 2 for buildings under 125 years old.
Q: How much does a RICS Home Survey Level 2 cost?
As each property is unique, so are the costs of surveying them. The exact cost of each survey will depend on the location, size and age of the property. If you would like to arrange for a quote, or find out more information regarding the our services, please contact us via 01622 817769 or use the contact form to the right.
Q: When will we receive the report after the survey?
Kirk-Brown Ltd will endeavour to produce a detailed, written report within 8-10 working days of conducting the survey. If there are any cause of delays, the client will be duly and promptly notified. The report is available in printed and electronic format depending on the preference of the client.
Book your RICS Home Survey Level 2
Follow the link below to book your RICS Home Survey Level 2.