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Things to Consider When Buying a Period Property

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  • 19-01-2024
Things to Consider When Buying a Period Property

This article explores the things to consider when buying a period property. Explore essential factors to consider, from architectural charm and historical significance to maintenance requirements and renovation potential. 

Period Property Considerations

We have lived in period properties for most of our lives, and in Kent and the surrounding counties, we have a wealth of styles to choose from. Charming terraced cottages, elegant Georgian townhouses, Medieval Manor Houses, Oast Houses to, converted barns and chapels.

It is hard not to fall in love with a period property, but some key factors should be considered before purchasing. The concept of being the property's custodian for a window of time is magical, preserving the property for another generation. However, these properties require a deep understanding and commitment to their upkeep. A few things to consider:

  • What are the key features of the building that may require specific and specialist maintenance over time, such as leaded windows? 
  • Are the charms and quirks of the property practical for your everyday living needs?
  • Is the property Listed If so, will it require Listed Building Consent should you wish to make any alterations?
  • A Listed building comes with the legal responsibility to conserve and maintain it.
  • Are there any structural concerns?
  • Will there be any difficulty obtaining building or contents insurance?
  • Are you committed to the maintenance and upkeep of the property, including the financial commitment?
Things to Consider When Buying a Period Property

Level 3 Surveys

There are many benefits to living in a period property – the charm, history, period features and quirkiness, to name a few. A Level 3 Survey will help you minimise any factors that may deter you from the enjoyment of your new home. The survey will help to identify:

  • The construction of the property, i.e. timber-framed properties, can bring further considerations.
  • Potential damp and ventilation issues.
  • Damage caused by wood-boring insects.
  • Old electrics which may need a replacement or upgrading.
  • Energy efficiency challenges, including insulation levels and the suitability of modern heating systems.
  • Un-supported chimneys, support issues over structural openings, bowing brickwork, poor pointing and inappropriate structural alterations.
  • Extensions and alterations that require consent.
  • Glazing standards to windows and doors.
  • Analysis of inappropriate repairs – i.e. use of Portland cement, the installation of uPVC rainwater goods, windows, doors and roofline joinery.
  • Assessment of whether the property is connected to a private drainage system.
  • Flag any boundary anomalies.

When suggesting repairs, we consider the appropriateness of the repair to the property's construction and use.  Please feel free to contact us with any specific questions you may have. 

 Are you looking for professional survey services in Maidstone and Kent? If you have any questions regarding our services please simply get in touch..